Spring Beta: The End of Unit One

My course is broken into 6 units of roughly 2-3 weeks each, so we’re solidly past the end of Unit One now and I’m finding myself getting into the groove of grading. I’m teaching two sections, each with 24 students in them, on top of my full time job and single parenting – so grading …

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Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/spring-beta-the-end-of-unit-one/

Quality Matters

What does Quality Matters mean by Alignment in an online course? Alignment is one of the basic principles of course design. The stated course and unit objectives need to align with the course materials, activities, assignments, and assessment to ensure student success. Alignment aids the student in identifying what they are to learn and how …

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Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/quality-matters-2/

Small Steps

  When adding Best Practices and accessibility to your online course remember to breathe and to work in small increments. Our new LMS has an Accessibility Checker in each HTML Editor window. The item needing changes is highlighted in pink or is outlined in pink. Make the change then click Repair. If no changes are needed …

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Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/small-steps/

A new Learning Management System

Supernova Dust Factory in M74

Texas A&M University-Commerce is in the process of implementing a new learning management system (LMS) for online courses.  The current system, eCollege, is due for retirement in the fall of 2018.  A committee of campus stakeholders reviewed the top three LMS vendors and chose Brightspace by Desire2Learn as the new system.  The last several months …

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Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/a-new-learning-management-system/

Spring Beta: Week 1

Week 1 of the Spring Beta is almost up, and I’m back to talk about some of those nerves I mentioned in the last post. “What if students can’t find the course?” I asked, thinking maybe it was a silly question. Not so silly, it turns out; several of my students e-mailed saying they couldn’t …

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Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/spring-beta-week-1/