Dr. Marila Palmer and Institutional Effectiveness requested two 1-hour sessions of “Academic Program Assessment: Rubrics” for the Institutional Effectiveness Leadership Team, college and department representatives, and all faculty to attend. The intent was to help faculty align their programmatic student learning outcomes (SLOs) to their academic program assessment, specifically their programs’ rubrics. Drs. Felicity Grandjean and Julia Frink led the presentation with Dr. Marila Palmer, who provided valuable feedback and guidance related to Institutional Effectiveness reporting. Twenty-one faculty members, representing all four colleges, attended both sessions.
If you were unable to attend the sessions and would like to learn more about Rubrics for your Academic Program, a self-paced online course is currently in development for access at your convenience. You may register for this course now and the CFEI will email you instructions on how to access the course when it is made available.
For more faculty development opportunities, please visit our registration page or contact us at CFEI.FacultyDev@tamuc.edu or 903-886-5511. Find out how the Center for Faculty Excellence and Innovation can help you!
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