Tag: OAT

The CFEI Haiku

The CFEI Haiku By Felicity Grandjean   What’s higher ed about? Seek ideas at CFEI. Possibilities!   Visit. Call. Email. Supporting our Faculty. It is our mission.   Teach, Learn, Write, & Serve. Quality education. Commerce Faculty!   Faculty Center For resources & events. For lifelong learning.

Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/the-cfei-haiku/

Introducing the Scholarly Research Series in 2017!

Scholarly Research Series logo

Scholarly Research Series 2017 Texas A&M University-Commerce has a new program to offer to faculty. The Scholarly Research Series is a joint partnership among the Center for Faculty Excellence & Innovation, Texas A&M Commerce Libraries, and Office of Research & Sponsored Programs to provide targeted research support and resources to faculty. For more information, visit …

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Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/introducing-the-scholarly-research-series-in-2017/

Welcome (back) faculty!

Welcome (back) faculty! Start of Term - http://www.tamuc.edu/facultyStaffServices/centerForFacultyExcellenceAndInnovation/sot.aspx Course Copy - http://www.tamuc.edu/facultyStaffServices/centerForFacultyExcellenceAndInnovation/educationalTechnology/learningStudioCourseCopy.aspx Pearson LearningStudio - http://www.tamuc.edu/facultyStaffServices/centerForFacultyExcellenceAndInnovation/educationalTechnology/default.aspx Start of Term Surveys - http://www.tamuc.edu/facultyStaffServices/centerForFacultyExcellenceAndInnovation/EducationalAssessment/sot.aspx Multimedia Production - http://www.tamuc.edu/facultyStaffServices/centerForFacultyExcellenceAndInnovation/elearning/multimediaProduction.aspx Events - https://appsprod.tamuc.edu/CMS/CFEIEventSessions/ Here are quick links to a few of the services & resources available to you at the CFEI. Let us help you get ready!

The CFEI wishes you a productive and successful Spring 2017 semester! To help you, the attached PDF document highlights important start-of-term CFEI services and resources. Click on the icons to direct you to the appropriate services and resources. Welcome (back) faculty (pdf download)   Also, please don’t hesitate to contact the CFEI with your teaching, scholarship, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/welcome-back-faculty/

Join the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Online Courses COMMUNITY OF LEARNING

Join today! NEW Community of Learning in 2017. COL Leaders: Dr. Donna McCrary, COEHS C&I, Dr. Beth Jones, COEHS PCS. Topic: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Online Courses. Features: Interdisciplinary faculty group, leadership and service, scholarship/research, incentives, budget, learning activities, mentorship, collaboration. For more information, contact CFEI: Gee Library, Suite 173, CFEI.FacultyDev@tamuc.edu, 903-886-5511

  For more information about faculty Communities of Learning, click here. To join this community, contact Felicity Grandjean, 903-468-8792 or felicity.grandjean@tamuc.edu. All faculty and adjunct faculty are welcomed to join. The community will be limited to 15 members. Reserve your seat today! The community will begin in 2017.

Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/join-the-universal-design-for-learning-udl-for-online-courses-community-of-learning/

Be a Faculty Community of Learning Leader!

Communities of Learning Apply Now! Lead a Community of Learning focused on the Learning Management System (LMS). Application Deadline: November 30. Be a Faculty Leader!

  To learn more about faculty Communities of Learning and to apply to be a faculty leader, click here. To learn more about Project Nova and the university’s plans for the new LMS, click here.

Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/be-a-faculty-community-of-learning-leader/