Category: Student Technology

Technology News Roundup

There have been several bits of interesting technology news this week, so here is a quick round up of articles. Before each one is a short description to help you decide if you want to read more. Windows-based Tablet May Be Too Late: Apple iPad sales are climbing and Microsoft has yet to enter into …

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Touchscreens… More to Come

If you’re not a fan of touchscreens, I have some bad news for you… They aren’t going to go away anytime soon. In fact, they’re going to become more and more ubiquitous as they become more advanced. Two of the next big ideas in touchscreen technology are aimed at making them even more interactive-friendly. Smarter …

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Accessibility & Technology

If you use technology in your courses at all, one of the things that must be considered is accessibility. It’s a legal issue that aims at making sure that disabled students are not discriminated against and accessibility should be taken seriously. A few of the most common disabilities are impaired speech, vision, and hearing. When …

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Windows 8 Previews

Microsoft is starting to unveil more and more about Windows 8, which is still a year or more away from being released. If you’re curious about what the next version of Windows is going to look like though, take a few minutes to read the articles at the sites below. A visual description of changes …

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Web 2.0 in the Classroom

If you’re interested in using Web 2.0 technologies in your classroom, the following article by Campus Technology may interest you. It lists 4 applications being used by an instructor to inspire students and talks briefly about each one. Here are the four apps, followed by a link to the full article: – A collaborative …

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