Tag: OAT

2016-17 Faculty Fellowships for Teaching & Learning NOW AVAILABLE!

Faculty Fellow Benefits: $4,000 Stipend for Academic Year, 1 Reassigned Time each long semester (fall and spring), additional $500 for a Conference Presentation of the Faculty Fellow project

  Click here to learn more about Faculty Fellowships for Teaching and Learning. Deadline to apply is Friday, March 25, 2016.     CFEI Faculty Development Center for Faculty Excellence & Innovation l Academic Affairs CFEI.FacultyDev@tamuc.edu P.O. Box 3011 Commerce, TX 75429-3011 Tel. 903.886.5511 l Fax 903.886.5991 l www.tamuc.edu/cfei Texas A&M University-Commerce

Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/2016-17-faculty-fellowships-for-teaching-learning-now-available/

NEW FacultyFlix at the CFEI!

Faculty Flix Location: CFEI Faculty Fellows & Scholars Lab (Gee Library, Ste. 173) Description: Faculty will view their choice of on-demand professional development multimedia. Choices include Magna 20 Minute Mentors, Academic Impressions,a nd Lynda databases with hundreds of resources to help you. Get the most out of your time!

  To learn more about FacultyFlix and other opportunities, visit http://www.tamuc.edu/facultyStaffServices/centerForFacultyExcellenceAndInnovation/facultyDevelopment/facultylab.aspx.   The Magna 20 Minute Mentor Commons subscription is available (free) to all faculty. Please see the attached flyer for instructions on creating an account and accessing the multimedia resources.   The Academic Impressions membership is available (free) to all faculty. Please see the …

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Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/new-facultyflix-at-the-cfei/

CFEI Haiku

Why CFEI?  by Felicity Grandjean   What’s higher ed about? Seek ideas at CFEI. Possibilities!   Teach, Learn, Write, & Serve. Quality education. Commerce Faculty!   Visit. Call. Email. Supporting our Faculty. It is our mission.   Faculty Center For resources & events. For lifelong learning.   Center for Faculty Excellence & Innovation Gee Library, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/cfei-haiku/

Accessibility Considerations for Online Courses

Dear Faculty, Are you currently teaching an online course or are you planning on teaching an online course in the near future? To increase accessibility for all learners in your online course, you may want to adapt some of your course materials.   3Play Media has developed a host of resources for online and video …

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Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/accessibility-considerations-for-online-courses/

CFEI shares Teaching Tip

As a joint effort, faculty centers across the country choose to participate in the yearly contribution to the Teaching Issues Writing Consortium. This year, CFEI staff contributed a teaching tip, Student Learning by Doing, page 44. Check it out. 2015-2016 Teaching Issues Writing Consortium Teaching Tips https://tamuc.equella.ecollege.com/file/e4974587-baa2-428e-957c-bb025263ef06/1/2015-2016_TWC_TeachingTips.pdf

Permanent link to this article: http://sites.tamuc.edu/innovations/cfei-shares-teaching-tip/