1. Submit RR11 (Mellix and Guerra)
2. Talk about conferences next week (you’ll sign up for these Thursday, and the conferences will take place on either 11/12 or 11/14).
Subject of conferences: your grades thus far and WA3. You’ll also receive WA2.
RR11 due today
RR12 due Thursday (11/7)
RR13 (submit to eCollege before 2:00 Tuesday 11/12)
RR14 (submit to eCollege before 2:00 Thursday 11/14)
That’s the last of your Reader Responses!
3. Talk about grade sheet and complete before next time. We’ll use this and the one I have completed as a discussion generator during our conferences before firming up your grade for this course going into WA3 and the Final Reflections.