English 1301 Agenda for 10/1

1. Quiz

2. Pick up RP5

3. Introduce WA2: Annotated Bibliography

assignment sheet

Lecture: Annotated Bibliograpy

4. Summary versus Analysis

5. Homework for next time: RP6

Your reading for RR5-RP7 is your choice. RP5 was due this time. RP6 will be due next class.

Step 1: Choose an essay from your textbook, Problem Posing: Readings for Democratic Learning. You should select something other than the essays I have assigned (see syllabus for a complete list of the assigned readings).
Step 2: Respond to it as just as you have your previous readings (see RR rubric). As you write up your RR6, you should pay special attention to the concepts you explored in WA1. Think about how the reading you selected might “speak” to the ideas, experiences, and concepts you featured in your WA1.

Bring this RR6 with you to class Thursday. As you can see from your syllabus (pdf), RR5, RR6, and RR7 will be on essays from the textbook that you choose from among those we haven’t already read and discussed together. As you read for RR5-RR7, consider how the essay informs your developing understanding of the three themes introduced in Chapter 1 of your coursepacket (available here):

  • Writing About Writing
  • Empowering Education (critical pedagogy)
  • Literacy Studies
Your WA2 will be an annotated bibliography that includes a brief introduction that brings these themes together as you see them at work in the essays you select. RR5-RR7 will provide extensive support for this assignment.
  • RR6 is due at the beginning of class
  • We will discuss the essay you selected
  • I’ll assign RR7 for next time, moving us closer to a draft of WA2 (which will be due for peer review 10/15)


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