Issue: Vol1No1


Cyber Bullying Among Teens

This study examined the prevalence of cyber-bullying and attitudes and behaviors related
to cyber-bullying among 359 adolescents. Experience with cyber-bullying and the
likelihood of sharing the experiences with parents, teachers, and other adults were
examined. Information on usage of technology and social media was also examined.
Results demonstrate that the participants spend an average of 3 hours a day on their
computer, tablet, or smartphone for things other than schoolwork; and that most use 2 or
more social media sites. Results revealed a significant relationship between the number
of social networks used and the amount of cyber-bullying they have experienced or been
exposed to. Furthermore, results demonstrate that parents are key factors in their teens’
experience and exposure to cyber-bullying.

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The Socio-Emotional and Financial Costs of Bullying

Journal of Bullying and Social Aggression Volume 1, Number 1, 2015 The Socio-Emotional and Financial Costs of Bullying In the United States  Kriss Y. Kemp-Graham, Phd   Assistant Professor Department of Educational Leadership College of Education and Human Service Texas A&M University-Commerce   LaVelle Hendricks, EdD Associate Professor of Counseling Department of Psychology, Counseling, and …

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Bullying Interventions

  Journal of Bullying and Social Aggression Volume 1, Number 1, 2015       Pilot Investigation of the Effectiveness of Bullying Interventions in Tennessee Schools Christopher Bernard Richardson Austin Peay State University Abstract In light of the past acts of violence in the school setting, the ability to recognize and properly interpret the precursors …

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The Impact of Peer Victimization

Journal of Bullying and Social Aggression   Volume 1, Number 1, 2015 The Impact of Social and Relational Victimization on Depression, Anxiety, and Loneliness: A Meta-Analytic Review Priya A. Iyer-Eimerbrink Shannon A. Scielzo Lauri A. Jensen-Campbell   University of Texas at Arlington   Abstract   Previous research has linked victimization to increased internalizing problems (Hawker …

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Bullies and Victims in Higher Education

Journal of Bullying and Social Aggression Volume 1, Number 1, 2015 Bullies and Victims in Higher Education: A Mixed-Methods Approach Amelia D. Perry & Sarai Blincoe Longwood University               Corresponding Author: Amelia D. Perry                             …

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