The Faculty Center for Teaching with Technology wear a lot of hats. We often get requests from departments wanting to update their technology in classrooms and conference rooms. Once we get the request we analyze and discuss what technologies will work with certain rooms. If it is an interactive option the FCTT will always suggest SMART technology. Most have seen SMART boards around the campus. We have instructors that often teach in different buildings and classrooms. If it is a large room we will suggest a SMART Podium you can see it here. If it is a smaller classroom we will suggest a SMART Board here. This process of upgrades doesn’t just stop after the approval of funds and scheduling, it stops when the FCTT is comfortable with introducing the technology. When we upgrade to SMART we often reach out to the department and instructors for training. Since the start of Spring 2014 semeste
r we have offered over 10 SMART training classes. Each training session is specific to what technology is in the classroom and is often taught and displayed in the very classroom that the instructor will be teaching in. Some schools will help with installation and leave it to the departments to provide training which is often expensive and time consuming. The FCTT offers training on a variety of technologies. You can see the list here. We also offer one-on-one sessions and an open training Lab on Fridays that has an interactive SMART Board installed and ready to be conquered. So if you or your department want new technology in your room, the Faculty Center for Teaching with Technology will be a good start.
Feb 03
New Classroom Technology – But Wait!
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