Category: Blog
Trying to change a bully single handedly might be a hard task to uptake, but with some help the bully might lower his shield and be more understanding towards someone (National Youth). By taking some of these tips, according to National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center, helping someone with overcoming the bully in their life …
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“According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (DHHS) anti-bullying website, (, bullying is defined as “intentionally aggressive, usually repeated” verbal, social, or physical behavior aimed at a specific person or group of people” (Bullying Statistics 2014). These next several steps for identifying bullies are further explained from Forbes online webpage over the …
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Bullying is a significant public health problem because it is prevalent and harmful. Between 20% and 56% of young people are involved in bullying annually . Thus, in a classroom of 30 students, between 6 and 17 students are involved in bullying as a victim, perpetrator, or both (bully-victim). The specific rate of bullying victimization …
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